Organize. Live. Thrive.
Wife. Mom. Teacher. Obsessor of being able to find things.
This organizer adventure actually didn’t start with an inborn ability to keep all things in their places. I was a borderline slob for much of my childhood, although I loved how things looked and felt when all my belongings were cleaned up and put away. But they rarely stayed that way. Over the years, I figured out varying ways to contain, donate, reorganize so that my home is livable and reasonably orderly.
Is my home perfect? Not a chance. It is a work in progress - and so am I. A few years ago, I discovered a personality test that described me as an “Improver” (or more negatively, a “Perfectionist”). It made sense…why I was constantly reorganizing all the dishes in the dishwasher, why I was never satisfied with how my linen closet looked, or how I noticed every dish or cup left out by my family members. In 2021, I had the opportunity to help two people go through some of their belongings and bring order to their spaces. I loved it. Every minute of it. One made the comment that I should do it professionally, and so here I am…the risk-averse taking risks…the imperfect embracing progress instead of perfection…the educator learning and applying concepts to my own home and to my clients’ spaces.
Are you ready to work toward order in your home? Scroll down, click the contact button and let’s get started on your home organizing project!
~Debbi Seale, founder to Organize to Live